Manicomio MagicThis is your chance to win a delicious meal for two at Manicomio and taste their delicious new Spring menu
Comptoir Libanais is celebrating Father’s Day with a special 3-course Baba’s Feast menu for £29.50 with a mezze platter, mixed grill and Comptoir Sundae to share.
And we are giving you a chance to surprise your father or father-figure with a chance to win £150 to spend at Comptoir Libanais’ Duke of York Square restaurant.
To enter, simply tag the father-figure in your life and follow both @comptoirlibanais and @dukeofyorksquare. The competition will start on 13 June and end at midnight on 18 June 2023. Terms and conditions apply.
Terms & conditions:
This is your chance to win a delicious meal for two at Manicomio and taste their delicious new Spring menu
Café Linea is set to open this summer - a brand new neighbourhood restaurant, bar and bakery overlooking the beautiful green
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